Monthly Archives: December 2014

Supporting the Building of Vocational Trainining Institute in Ethiopia

You can support the project through GOFUNDME or you can make a donation at through our email –

The EWF, Inc.  has three major projects registered with the government of Ethiopia. The project which is the subject of a Go Fund Me appeal is

(1)     the building and maintenance of the Haile Selassie I Vocational Training Institute (HSVTI).  This is a long overdue project, and we seek the support of members of the organization and others who can appreciate the benefits such an institute would have on the social and economic upliftment of the People of Ethiopia.

(2)     The second project is the development of a model city on the Land Grant.

(3)     The third project is a Rain Water Harvesting Program where the organization builds concrete water tanks for families in and around the Shashemene Woreda region. These tanks make a great difference in the lives of each family, and is especially liberating for the women who sometimes walk for miles to gather water. It takes only US$600 to build a tank for a family and help provide the training to maintain the tank, to teach how to prevent mosquitoes, and  to utilize it to create domestic farming and improve health and hygiene. Because of the propensity for drought in Ethiopia, these tanks are a God-send.

With the successful development of the Institute, it is the expectation that in the future, young people from other provinces in Ethiopia, and possibly from other African states will be able to attend the Haile Selassie I Vocational Training Institute  to benefit from the training that will be offered by this institution.  The building of dormitories to accommodate teachers and students will be integral aspect of the project.

Along with the usual technical vocational elements like automobile mechanics, construction, electrical, computer training, etc., other elements of training will include an Holistic Agricultural and Herbal program, a Nursing and Child care program, and a Solar Energy component.  An orphanage and health center will be attached to the Institute to provide practical hands-on training for students, and to benefit the community.

The HSVTI is projected to be a US$million project, but at this time we are seeking the funds to begin the basic construction of the school building and facilities and the first building to accommodate staff.  The Agricultural Program, Construction  and a Motor Vehicle Mechanic Training program will be among the first courses offered.  We are seeking well qualified individuals who care about the welfare of our African family to register their interest to join the staff as volunteer or paid instructors in their particular specialties.  Later on  farm buildings and dormitories will be completed.

Please help to spread the word by sharing this request with your email contacts and on social media.

The African family is under attack across the globe. With your help we can make a difference.

Legal International President
G. Eveta Morrison